$13.50 US
Book Title: Returning: Tanka Sequences
Authors: Michelle Hyatt and Jacob D. Salzer
Publisher: Lulu
Publication Date: October 14, 2022
ISBN: 9781387546374
Page Count: 100
Number of Poems: 128 tanka
Price: $13.50 US ($18.62 CAD)
Weblink: Returning: Tanka Sequences (lulu.com)
Book Description: Returning is a collaboration of tanka sequences by Michelle Hyatt and Jacob D. Salzer created in honor of Mother Earth and our ancestors. These tanka pairs are inspired by Indigenous peoples, animals, animal spirits, friendship, philosophical questions, spiritual connection, humor and a reverence for the Great Mystery and Mother Earth. The authors express the endless cycles of the seasons, returning to a spirit of compassion. This book includes 32 tanka (16 tanka pairs) per season, resulting in 128 tanka (64 tanka pairs). “Returning is a powerful collection of Mother Nature tanka poems that perfectly intertwine throughout the seasons of our Earth. There is a deep spirituality within the pages that convey a reverence for all living things. A must-read for all tanka lovers.” - Pamela A. Babusci, Editor of: moonbathing: a journal of women's tanka