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Over 600 million people don't have access to clean water.
Read haiku and make a difference.
All book proceeds are donated to ActionAid, The Hunger Project, and 
Edited by Jacob Salzer
& The Nook Editorial Staff

Edited by Jacob Salzer & the Nook Editorial Staff

Edited by Jacob Salzer
& The Nook Editorial Staff
Edited by Jacob Salzer
& The Nook Editorial Staff
Desert Rain: Haiku Nook: An Anthology is an international anthology dedicated to haiku poet Metra (Martha) Magenta (March 13, 1949—January 14, 2020) and to the 600+ million people who don’t have access to clean water. Our 3-volume anthology includes: Haiku & Senryu (Volume I), Tanka (Volume II), and Haibun (Volume III), featuring tanka by Malintha Perera and haiku by George Klacsanzky, Yanty Tjiam, and Martha Magenta. 23 poets. 8 countries. 500 poems. Our anthology explores the beauty & mystery of water in many different forms—from ice to snow, to rivers, rain, mist, and the sea. These poems express moments of life revolving around one central theme: the miracle of water.
Desert Rain.Haiku Nook.An Anthology Volumes I, II, III COVER IMAGE.jpg

Lulu  $15.99 USD

Desert Rain.Haiku Nook.An Anthology Volume I COVER IMAGE.jpg

Lulu  $13 USD

Desert Rain.Haiku Nook.An Anthology Volume II COVER IMAGE.jpg

Lulu  $12.50 USD

Desert Rain.Haiku Nook.An Anthology Volume III COVER IMAGE.jpg

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