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Mr. Willie Ropelos Bongcaron is a haijin by choice. He is an adherent of short poetry forms like haiku, senryu, tanka, haiga, free verse, etc. but has been particularly addicted to haiku for 8 or more years now. He resides in Sampaloc, Manila, the Philippines with his family; and is a government employee, having worked with the light rail system since 1985. His works have been featured in: and Google+



Lovette Carter is a traveling, pediatric nurse, mother, grandmother, friend, poetess, and an untiring advocate for the safety, education and well-being of children globally. She has written children and adult short stories, and has recently taken a great interest in writing haiku and related Japanese-based poetry. Her haiku are featured in various well-known journals, such as Acorn, FrogpondBrass Bell and A Hundred Gourds.



Momolu Freeman is a lifelong Poet, Musician, Author, Painter, and Pastor. He shared his haiku, and artwork in G+ communities. He is the proud Dad of two sons, four daughters, and a loving wife.



Dana Grover has been a commercial photographer and videographer, is an expert real estate appraiser (, and a lifelong writer of prose and poetry who in the past couple of years has been dabbling with haiku. He posts daily to his "haiku-ish" facebook page and occasionally to his photo website. He lives in San Jose, California.





Michelle Hyatt has been spending time with haiku now for five years. She appreciates the depth and mystery haiku carry, and how they create a space for her to tune into the senses; to feel, and feel, and then feel some more.


Michelle writes haiku for the simple, sheer, creative pleasure. It is truly one of her greatest joys, having also brought healing, growth and friendship. This is her second book, the first one being Yanty's Butterfly Haiku Nook: An Anthology.


Michelle is a Certified Health and Wellness Coach, and Yoga/Meditation Teacher. She lives in breath-taking Northern Ontario, Canada, with her devoted husband, brilliant children, and gorgeous dog.



Brendon Kent lives in Southampton, UK. He has been writing poetry for over 46 years and has haiku published in most of the leading journals worldwide. He was awarded the 'Best International Haiku' in the Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival Haiku Invitational 2015. Brendon is a member of the British Haiku Society.



Nicholas Klacsanzky is a technical editor and an enthusiastic haiku writer who is published widely.



Eva Limbach is born 1958 in Saarbrücken, Germany and still living there with her husband. She works as a pharmacist. In 2012, she began to write haiku and now it's a passion. You can read her poems on the blog Mare Tranquilltatis



Martha Magenta sadly passed away during the completion of our anthology. Martha was an award-winning haiku poet from Bristol, England, UK. She had a passion for herbalism, gardening, veganism, animal rights, earth and the environment. She previously worked for ActionAid, and Friends of the Earth. Her poetry, haiku, haibun, senryu, and tanka have appeared in many journals, magazines, and anthologies. She was awarded first, second and third prizes and honourable mentions in contests for haiku, tanka and haibun in 2017 - 2019. She is listed on The European Top 100 haiku authors, 2017 and 2018. Before she passed away, she authored a book of haiku & tanka dedicated to birds: Birdsong Before The Earth Falls Silent, available on Lulu, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble.



Réka Nyitrai. During the Winter of 2018 either Réka Nyitrai found haiku or haiku found Réka Nyitrai through her very first poem that simply came off the top of her head: "on a snow covered branch ... yesterday's bird-songs". Since then she keeps writing haiku, mainly surreal and psychological ones and cherita. So far, she has been published in Under the Basho, Failed Haiku, #FemkuMag, Scryptic Magazine, Otata and The Asahi Shimbun.



Malintha Perera is an established poet whose work is featured in numerous journals. She writes haiku, tanka, micropoetry, as well as longer poems that are centered on Zen Buddhism. Her first published haiku book: An Unswept Path (2015) is a collection of her Zen monastery haiku. She resides in Sri Lanka with her family.



Dave Read is a Canadian poet living in Calgary.  He primarily writes short poems with an emphasis on the Japanese genres of haiku, senryu, tanka, and haibun.  He was a recipient of the 2016 Touchstone Individual Poem Award for haiku as granted by The Haiku Foundation.  His work has been published in many journals (including the Haiku Canada Review, Presence, Modern Haiku and Acorn), and anthologies (including a hole in the light: The Red Moon Anthology of English-Language Haiku, 2018).  A collection of Dave’s haiku is included in New Resonance 11, published in the Spring of 2019.



Gabri Rigotti grew up in the Italian immigrant community of Umkomaas, south of Durban, on the East Coast of South Africa.


Half the town was Italian and ate pizza, pasta and panettone; the other half was English speaking and ate cucumber sandwiches, crumpets and scones …


He studied in Durban, then moved to his beloved Cape Town with the intention of seeing the rest of the world too … a lifetime later he is still there … After some ad hoc experimentation with the form he started writing haiku in earnest in early 2013 when he was invited to join a haiku community in G+. His tanka are featured in the bamboo hut. Inspired by haibun, he has been writing articles about people and places on a travel related web site since late 2014.



Nakta Roodgari (ناکتا رودگری) is a Persian writer. She is known as a children translator and writer in her country. She knows 2 foreign languages: English and French. As a poet, she started her activities in 2008, by writing short poems and haiku. Some of her writings are published in local magazines, journals and social network.



Jacob Salzer is the author of The Sound of Rain (haiku), Birds with No Names (haiku), Fog Between Mountains (one-line haiku), Distant Sirens (tanka), Origins (haibun). His haiku are featured in Frogpond, Modern Haiku, Under the Basho, Chrysanthemum, A Hundred Gourds, and The Heron's Nest. He is the editor of two other haiku anthologies: Yanty’s Butterfly, and New Bridges.



Robin Anna Smith (she/her/Mx) is a writer and visual artist, who has won awards for her senryu, haiku, and haiga. In 2018, she received a Pushcart nomination for one of her haibun. Her work focuses on disability, gender, and trauma, as well as systems from a neurodiverse perspective. Her work is published internationally, in numerous journals and anthologies. Her first collection (a mini-chap) is titled: Systems Askew. Robin is the founding and chief editor for Human/Kind Journal, a journal of topical and contemporary Japanese short-forms and art. She currently lives in Wilmington, Delaware, where she spends most of her time in bed, creating art, writing, and editing, or taking care of her daughter and many pets.

Twitter and Insta @robinannasmith

Facebook @robinannasmithpage



Alan Summers is London born and resides in the South West of England with his wife, running the Wood Lane Writers Retreat. He is a Japan Times award-winning writer, and author of the forthcoming book: Writing Poetry: the haiku way.  A Pushcart Prize nominated poet, Alan appears in various leading haiku anthologies, including Haiku in English: The First Hundred Years (W. W. Norton 2013).  NHK World of Japan recently featured him in Europe meets Japan - Alan’s Haiku Journey.






Lucky Triana is a haiku poet living in Indonesia.



Mal Ward is 66 and lives in Scunthorpe Lincolnshire UK. She is a mother, grandmother, and great grandmother, and enjoys travel and photography. Mal started writing poetry in 2015 after receiving a dare from a friend. Now a keen writer and poet, her haiku is published under the pen name Mal ward. Her haiku are published in: Freshout magazine, Plumb Tree Tavern, My Haiku Pond, Whispers, Cattails, and Haiku Universe.

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