The Portland Haiku Group
What is Haiku?
Haiku is the world's smallest form of poetry. Haiku are written in 4-lines, 3-lines, 2-lines, and 1-line forms. Traditionally, haiku are rooted in references to the seasons and nature (kigo).
We generally use the modern definition of haiku and senryu as described by the Haiku Society of America (not usually 5-7-5): Haiku Society of America Definitions (hsa-haiku.org)
Call of the Page - haiku definition with Alan Summers:
Here are some tips for writing haiku:
What is Tanka?
Tanka are 5-line poems that have an inherent twist or turn that takes the poem in a new direction. They are rooted in concrete imagery, and help express and release complex emotion(s).
Call of the Page - tanka definition with Alan Summers:
What is Haibun?
Haibun is prose + haiku.