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Yanty's Butterfly is an international haiku anthology dedicated to Yanty Tjiam (1981-2015), and her family. Yanty was a haiku poet who passed away in 2015. She was a beloved member of our Haiku Nook community on Google+. In honor of Yanty, 20 poets from Canada, the U.K., Germany, Persia, Sri Lanka, Ukraine, South Africa, Taiwan, the Philippines, and the U.S. have come together to create this anthology. In the spirit of Yanty Tjiam, and global connectedness, our anthology embodies a transformative power all its own. Yanty's Butterfly consists of over 600 poems, spanning the variety of haiku forms: three-line haiku, two-line haiku, one-line haiku, four-line haiku, traditional haiku (5-7-5), concrete haiku, tanka, and haibun.
Featuring haiku from Yanty Tjiam, George Klacsanzky, Fei Zhan, and award-winning poet, Alan Summers, Yanty’s Butterfly is an essential addition to the haiku literature of the 21st century


Read Yanty's Butterfly and Make A Difference. All proceeds from Yanty's Butterfly are donated to Yanty’s family, and to 2 charity organizations: The Hunger Project, and ActionAid.


Yanty’s Butterfly is now available in ebook, and paperback formats on amazonlulu, iBookstore, and kobo websites.

© 2015 to Present by Jacob Salzer and The Nook Editorial Staff

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