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Yanty's Butterfly Book Sales are donated to Yanty Tjiam's Family and 2 Charity Organizations:


The Hunger Project


"The Hunger Project is a global, non-profit, strategic organization committed to the sustainable end of world hunger. In Africa, Asia and Latin America, The Hunger Project seeks to end hunger and poverty by empowering people (especially women) to lead lives of self-reliance, meet their own basic needs and build better futures for their children."




“Ending hunger


Despite world leader’s commitments to halve hunger by 2015, there are more hungry people now than at any time in history. But the causes of hunger aren’t natural, they’re manmade, and the solutions are within our power.


Education for all


Over one billion people, mostly women, lack a basic education. Illiteracy and poverty are closely linked; our work is driven by the belief that every child has the right to a free, quality education.


Ending poverty


Unfair trade rules, tax evasion and the power of big business all add up to a global economic system that tips the scales against the world's poorest people.


Emergencies and conflicts


Emergencies can be created by natural disasters - drought, floods or earthquakes - or by violent conflict. They cause intense suffering, trauma and loss. ActionAid provides immediate relief - and sets up long-term projects.


Women's rights


Wherever women and girls are disadvantaged, it keeps half the world poor. ActionAid works for justice for women.”



© 2015 to Present by Jacob Salzer and The Nook Editorial Staff

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