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Published Work (Haiku & Senryu)

The following is a selection of my haiku and senryu published in books, websites and journals.

All haiku & senryu are copyright © by Jacob D. Salzer

who am I?
the darkness in the eyes
of a barred owl


Chrysanthemum 33, Fall 2024 issue


museum chill . . .
the motionless wings
of a butterfly


Wales Haiku Journal, Autumn 2024 edition


tangled shadows
in the prisoner’s letter
a winter sea


Heliosparrow Poetry Journal, September 2024


minus degree wind . . .
the tomb of a man
and his factory


Heliosparrow Poetry Journal, September 2024


wildflower meadow—
a door gently closed
in his eyes


Heliosparrow Poetry Journal, September 2024


a single flame
in forest darkness
the scent of ink


Heliosparrow Poetry Journal, September 2024


a ship’s skeleton
at the bottom of the sea
the whale’s dream


Heliosparrow Poetry Journal, September 2024


receding shoreline . . .
the bones of her necklace
in the evening tide


Heliosparrow Poetry Journal, September 2024


before the thought

of you and I

the endless sea


Mayfly issue 77, Summer 2024


her dreamcatcher—

a missing thread

in the spider's web


Wales Haiku Journal, Summer 2024 edition


ocean fog . . .

the ghost of a colonist

in my lungs


Password. Very Short Poetry Journal, issue 1.3, 2024


a single word

re-ignites the fire

Chinook wind


Hauling the Tide: 2024 Haiku Society of America Members' Anthology


woodsmoke . . .

the afterlife

of ants


Under the Bashō, 2024


a revolving dream

of her returning . . .

the evening tide


Under the Bashō, 2024


fresh snow

a trail of footprints

in the raven's dream


Presence, issue #79


empty nest . . .

a cold moon settles

in the ghosts of trees


Presence, issue #79


mother's voice

on the answering machine . . .

melting snow


Wales Haiku Journal, Spring 2024 edition


sea wind—

the pearls of her necklace

in the raven's nest


Wales Haiku Journal, Spring 2024 edition


strands of a web —

the secret

she let go


tsuri-dōrō May/June 2024 issue #21


a bruised apple in his voice the scent of rain


cattails, April 2024 issue


reaching the shore . . .

a cold wind howls

in the pines


Hedgerow #145, 2024


distant thunder

in pine tree darkness

the raven's dream


Heliosparrow Poetry Journal, Jan./Feb. 2024


grandma's ashes . . .

the Columbia River flows

into the sea


Seabeck Haiku Anthology, 2021; 

Unplugged— Haiku & Tanka (Lulu, 2022)


scent of green tea

in my travel mug

the forest's darkness


The Heron's Nest, Volume XXIII, Number 4: December 2021; 

Unplugged— Haiku & Tanka (Lulu, 2022)


barely audible downstream sounds of a lonely warrior


Is/Let, October 28, 2021


cold wind seeking a flame— the river’s darkness


Is/Let, October 28, 2021; 

Unplugged— Haiku & Tanka (Lulu, 2022)


in the wet garden strands of her leaving


Is/Let, October 28, 2021; 

Unplugged— Haiku & Tanka (Lulu, 2022)


dinosaur bones . . .

the length

of my shadow


Frogpond 44:3, Autumn 2021


smell of moss

on our ancestor’s headstone

my father’s shadow


H.S.A. Members Anthology 2021; 

Unplugged— Haiku & Tanka (Lulu, 2022)


polished stone

the hidden messages

in her smile


Failed Haiku, Volume 6, Issue 66


sign language

the stories of a farm

in her hands


Presence #70, 2021; 

Unplugged— Haiku & Tanka (Lulu, 2022)


iPhone factory –

the many parts

of the ego


Prune Juice #34, July 2021


scent of cedar lake fishing in a new canoe 


Frogpond 44:2, Spring/Summer 2021


dream tunnel a worm enters the fallen apple


Heliosparrow Journal, April 24, 2021

Unplugged— Haiku & Tanka (Lulu, 2022)


sea shell —

the old man curls

into a fetus 

Heliosparrow Journal, April 24, 2021

Unplugged— Haiku & Tanka (Lulu, 2022)


plum blossom...

before the baby

has a name

The Heron's Nest, Volume XXIII, Number 2: June, 2021

Unplugged— Haiku & Tanka (Lulu, 2022)


forest mist . . .

thoughts drift

into other worlds

Chrysanthemum 29, spring issue 2021

Unplugged— Haiku & Tanka (Lulu, 2022)


morning mist . . .

the cold breath

of a soldier    

Modern Haiku 52:2 (Winter-Spring 2021)


picking kale—

the darkened veins

in grandma's hands   

Kingfisher, issue #3, 2021

Unplugged— Haiku & Tanka (Lulu, 2022)



in my digital footprint . . .

the weight of snow

Kingfisher, issue #2, 2020;

Unplugged— Haiku & Tanka (Lulu, 2022)


cherry blossoms...

a puddle fills

with stars

Second Place, Haiku Sanctuary Kukai, April 2020


heavy net

the eyes of a fish 

become still  

Featured in the Bristol Museum & Art Gallery Masters of Japanese Prints 2020 website exhibition


Inspired and displayed with a print: Fishing Boats with Nets under Ryōgoku Bridge, 1790 by Kitagawa Utamaro I (1753-1806) - Mb4757



Unplugged— Haiku & Tanka (Lulu, 2022)



a gold koi swims

between stars                                

(for Sharon)

Mare Liberum: Haiku & Tanka


electric guitar 

the reverberation

of teenage dreams 

Under the Basho, 2019 (Modern Haiku category) 

Mare Liberum: Haiku & Tanka


tuning the guitar 

the tension

between us 

Under the Basho, 2019 (Modern Haiku category) 

Mare Liberum: Haiku & Tanka


noisy highway... 

homeless tents

in the wind

Frogpond 42:3, Autumn 2019  

Mare Liberum: Haiku & Tanka



a moth carries

its own light 

The Heron's Nest, Volume XX, September 2018

Mare Liberum: Haiku & Tanka



another sunrise

morning rain 

Under the Basho, 2017 (Modern Haiku category) 

Mare Liberum: Haiku & Tanka


guitar solo

a seagull hovers

above the water

Under the Basho, 2017 (Modern Haiku category) 

Mare Liberum: Haiku & Tanka


fishing after dark river sounds never fading 

Under the Basho, 2017

Mare Liberum: Haiku & Tanka 


empty of desire a room floods with light

Under the Basho, 2017


bold winter shapes New York Times 

Under the Basho, 2017


sunset . . .

the rust on Grandpa's

license plates

The Heron's Nest, Sept. 17 issue, 2017 

Mare Liberum: Haiku & Tanka


winter rain

headlines trickle down

a vacant driveway

The Heron's Nest, XIX, Number 1, March 2017 

Mare Liberum: Haiku & Tanka



shadows become still

on the marble steps

Chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum No. 19, April 2016 

How Many Become One: A Haiku Sequence 



I adjust the time

on my camera

Chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum No. 19, April 2016 

How Many Become One: A Haiku Sequence 



at a familiar stranger


A Hundred Gourds, 5.3, June 2016 

How Many Become One: A Haiku Sequence

Mare Liberum: Haiku & Tanka


smell of lavender

foreign words drift

in the wind


Under the Basho, 2016 (Modern Haiku category)

How Many Become One: A Haiku Sequence



heavy rain

a forest trail

lost in mud


Under the Basho, 2016 (Modern Haiku category)

How Many Become One: A Haiku Sequence

Mare Liberum: Haiku & Tanka



this orange

touched by so many hands

I eat with gratitude


The Heron's Nest XVII, Number 3, September, 2015

How Many Become One: A Haiku Sequence

Mare Liberum: Haiku & Tanka




no longer attached

thoughts come and go

the sound of waves


Chrysanthemum 18, October, 2015

How Many Become One: A Haiku Sequence 

Mare Liberum: Haiku & Tanka




no thoughts

light filters through

the shape of glass


Frogpond 38:3, Autumn 2015

How Many Become One: A Haiku Sequence

Mare Liberum: Haiku & Tanka




how many

become one

sound of rain


Frogpond 38:3, Autumn 2015

The Living Haiku Anthology

Haiku Commentary

How Many Become One: A Haiku Sequence

Mare Liberum: Haiku & Tanka (Lulu, 2020)

Desert Rain: Haiku Nook Anthology (Lulu, 2022)

Unplugged— Haiku & Tanka (Lulu, 2022)

autumn moonlight . . .

how quietly she appears

in my dream


2023 Seabeck Haiku Getaway Anthology (Haiku Northwest Press, 2024)


returning without you and i the endless sea


Whiptail: journal of the single-line poem, February 2024


rows of yellow corn . . .

a dead end sign

on the one-way street


Trash Panda, issue #6


a deafening silence

in slow drifting fog . . .

charcoal trees


Trash Panda, issue #6


fish bones

in the river's darkness

a bear's dream


Heliosparrow Poetry Journal, December 1, 2023


a cold wind—

will she remember me

in the next life?


2023 Seabeck Anthology, 4th place in the kukai


empty clam shell—

the sound of her voice

in the evening tide


2023 Seabeck Anthology, 4th place in the kukai


winter rain . . .

the hidden roots

of my family tree


Under the Bashō 2023, Haiku


burned cottonwood seeds from a past life


Under the Bashō 2023, Haiku


a long journey . . .

in mother's clothing

the scent of snow


Autumn Moon Haiku Journal 7:1, Autumn/Winter 2023


mother's voice

beyond the church wall

a trail of moss


Chrysanthemum 31, Fall issue 2023


standing dead tree —

an angel's breath

in the understory 

Haiku Canada Review, October 2023 issue


her last breath . . .

between patches of snow

a violet in full bloom


Kingfisher #8, 2023


mountain wind . . .

a Luna moth's journey

between stars


Hedgerow #143, 2023


displaced logs

from a colonial cabin

the sound of a creek


Under the Bashō 2023, Haiku


sapphire ice

begins to thaw . . .

the elder's story


Under the Bashō 2023, Haiku



the Seminary Hill forest

a Pacific Wren's song


Under the Bashō 2023, Haiku


in the darkness

of a hollow tree

the owl's dream


Under the Bashō 2023, Haiku


the red sun sets

between pale white sails

a turbulent sea


Under the Bashō 2023, Haiku


her tears . . .

the river ice melts

into a song


Under the Bashō 2023, Haiku


oak trees rising

from old church ruins —

voices in the wind


Under the Bashō 2023, Haiku

Fractured by Cattails: 2023 Haiku Society of America Members' Anthology


dripping icicle . . .

I step into

someone else's dream


Under the Bashō 2023, Haiku


darkness shapes the timeless river returning stones


Hedgerow #142, 2023


finishing her sentence the cicada's cry


Hedgerow #142, 2023


overgrown cemetery—

the tangled roots

of my family tree


The Heron's Nest, Volume XXV, Number 2: June 2023


forest trail . . .

at the end of a thought

a robin's song


deepening leaves: 2022 Seabeck Haiku Getaway Anthology (Haiku Northwest Press, 2023. Edited by Lisa Gerlits & Antoinette Cheung)


sudden downpour —

the sound of my friends


deepening leaves: 2022 Seabeck Haiku Getaway Anthology (Haiku Northwest Press, 2023. Edited by Lisa Gerlits & Antoinette Cheung)


winter rain . . .

the untold stories

in his obituary


Haiku Canada Review, February issue 2023


forest sunset . . .

grandpa turns off

his iPhone


Hedgerow #141, 2023


tree roots descending into darkness the horse's dream


Heliosparrow Poetry Journal, December 22, 2022


washed ashore

the bones of yesterday  

the future of me


Heliosparrow Poetry Journal, December 22, 2022


crescent moon —

a glimpse of salmon

in the river's darkness


Sing the Salmon Home Anthology, 2023


a long hug

at the train station

evening fog


Frogpond 46:1 Winter 2023


river mist...

the faint whispers

of a lost prophet 


The Heron's Nest, Volume XXIV, Number 3: September 2022


twisted metaphors

in the gnarled oak tree

a robin's song


Frogpond 45:3 Autumn 2022


a gentle tide

entering my dream

the call of a loon


Under the Bashō 2022, Haiku


trail dust ...

climbing Mount Hood

with my shadow


Under the Bashō 2022, Haiku


campfire embers ...

my mother's voice

drifting to sleep


Under the Bashō 2022, Haiku


winter rain —

on my resume

the weight of ink


Under the Bashō 2022, Haiku



in a trail of dust

a moth in flight


Under the Bashō 2022, Haiku


first confession —

a heavy stone falls

into the sea


Under the Bashō 2022, Haiku



her tombstone

the scent of moss


Under the Bashō 2022, Haiku


among endless

trees and deep valleys

the mystery of me


Under the Bashō 2022, Haiku



I walk into the forest

without a sound


Under the Bashō 2022, Haiku; 

Unplugged— Haiku & Tanka (Lulu, 2022)


family game night

the lantern's hum

gathering moths


Under the Bashō 2022, Haiku; 

Unplugged— Haiku & Tanka (Lulu, 2022)


distant thunder ...

lifetimes echo

in the oak tree 


Under the Bashō 2022, Haiku; 

Unplugged— Haiku & Tanka (Lulu, 2022)


darkness in the old Redwood voices 


Under the Bashō 2022, Haiku

Unplugged— Haiku & Tanka (Lulu, 2022)


past lives

from my acoustic guitar

the scent of spruce 


The Heron’s Nest, Volume XXIV, Issue 2, June 2022; 

Unplugged— Haiku & Tanka (Lulu, 2022)


grandpa’s stream

the long journey

of mountain rain


First Frost, issue #3, Spring 2022; 

Unplugged— Haiku & Tanka (Lulu, 2022)


Saturn's rings . . .

the ghost of a marriage

on her finger


Failed Haiku, issue 74, 2022 (sci-fi edition)



without a business suit

summer wind


Frogpond 45:1, Winter 2022


a homeless man

mumbles something to himself

winter wind 


Hedgerow #137, 2022; 

Unplugged— Haiku & Tanka (Lulu, 2022)



forgetting my name

the hook disappears

beneath the water


A Hundred Gourds 5.1, December, 2015

Haiku Commentary

How Many Become One: A Haiku Sequence

Mare Liberum: Haiku & Tanka





against the shore



Modern Haiku 47:1, Winter 2016

How Many Become One: A Haiku Sequence 

Mare Liberum: Haiku & Tanka




solar eclipse

the untold stories

in grandma’s eyes


Failed Haiku, Volume 1, Issue 1, January 2016

How Many Become One: A Haiku Sequence 

Mare Liberum: Haiku & Tanka




as if Jazz

wasn’t enough



Haiku Canada Review, February 2016 Issue




her hands unfolding a butterfly


Under the Basho, 2015

Yanty’s Butterfly: Haiku Nook: An Anthology, 2016

How Many Become One: A Haiku Sequence


dead insects

on a stagnant pond—

the distant rapids

Birds With No Names: Haiku Poetry


dementia . . .

a snowfield devoid

of footprints

Birds With No Names: Haiku Poetry

Mare Liberum: Haiku & Tanka


tall stalks of bamboo 

reaching over

my old neighbor's fence

The Sound of Rain: Haiku Poetry


under one blanket

small whispers

falling asleep

The Sound of Rain: Haiku Poetry

 © 2025 by Jacob D. Salzer. Created with

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