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Published Work (Linked-Verse)

The following is a selection of my solo and collaborative linked-verse published in journals.


All poems are copyrighted by their authors respectively.



wheat stalks

the shadow of Ceres

growing taller


       Autumnus gathers

       the last harvest


a distant spark

Anima Mundi awakens

creation’s soul


       Alemona's song 

       a fetus uncurls

       in her dream


a sea horse hovers

in Salicia’s kelp forest 


       a worm leaves 

       Pomona's apple 



Michelle Hyatt, Callander, Ontario

Jacob D. Salzer, Vancouver, Washington

Publication credit: Frogpond, Winter 46:1 2023



melting snow

secrets left

on a log...

the silent witness

of lichen                                                     ​​ ​ (Michelle)




in the coral reef 

waves of moonlight . . . 

will you appear again 

in my dreams                                             ​​  (Jacob)


​​Michelle Hyatt, Canada

Jacob D. Salzer, USA 

Publication credit: Presence, issue #73, 2022


Meandering Notes (a rengay)

Bourbon Street

jazz flows from                                     

every doorway                          DBH  


summer concert —

lemonade poured over ice        JDS


night breeze

from the corner bar                  

soprano sax                               RLM


a twist in my espresso

Café Du Monde                         DBH


Beethoven's last note

the full moon settles

in a cup of tea                           JDS


bedtime serenade                  

a warm milk dream                   RLM



Deborah Burke Henderson, Ashland, MA, USA

Jacob D. Salzer, Vancouver, WA, USA

Richard L. Matta, San Diego, CA, USA

Publication credit: Tandem: a rengay journal, Winter issue 2022


Twin Flames (a Rokku)

 Written by: Michelle Hyatt & Jacob Salzer

 Published: 02 June 2022

primordial hum
in the Buddha garden…
morning rain                


lost in plum blossoms
the sound of a bee 


tupelo wine
my sudden laughter
as we tango        


a pause in our footsteps
on the wooden bridge  


dormant evergreens
beneath the weight
of the Cold Moon    


deep snow in the city
the homeless man's dream 



morning traffic 
outside the coffee shop 
two friends chatting   


a balmy breeze, your scent 
through an open window 


on a park bench
where lovers once kissed 
rustling leaves   


a spotless fawn listens 
in a field of golden wheat 


Gilmour's guitar solo   
the eagle's long flight
over a sunlit stream   


spilling over the edge
the youth of a thousand years   



bear claw scratches
in the old oak tree…
traces through my past  


into the deep cave 
echoes of a storm 


gilded age
she changes her name
to Moonchild    


loud summer wedding  
the march of ants 


on temple steps
signs point the way
to purification          


steep mountain trail…
the monk's silence 




rock concert 
the river ice melts     
into a song   


from the center of two flames
midnight blue    


our first hug 
on a long journey
the blur of a train 


dissolving in the overstory
all the straight edges   


oat stalks sway
around a rusted tractor 
Harvest Moon   


evanescent shadows
a turn in the labyrinth   



steady drumbeat… 
through a canyon  


a trumpet solo's fading note
summer sunset   


sunken treasure
kept in eternity
the day’s remains  


grandma’s ashes…
the first day of spring


in a meadow
of daffodils
will we meet again? 


dim lights on the horizon
the endless sea 


Michelle Hyatt, Canada
Jacob D. Salzer, USA

Under the Bashō 2022 – Linked Forms, Sequences and Contrapuntal Poetry

Link: Under the Basho - Twin Flames (a Rokku)


Regeneration (A Tanka Sequence)



a Spotted Owl
on a bare branch—
my footsteps lost
in forest darkness

sun salutations
I stand with flowers
and trees
at my fingertips
a robin's-egg blue sky

Jacob D. Salzer, USA
Michelle Hyatt, Canada

Publication credit: Under the Bashō 2022 – Linked Forms, Sequences and Contrapuntal Poetry


Faint Whispers (A Tankako)




droplets of dew

on pink plum blossoms                                               MH


garden pond

a frog turns into stone                                                JS


dusty mirror

another déjà vu

in V formation                                                               MH


lights out in the valley

the elder tells his story                                                JS


soft lullaby

as she cradles her baby

the scent of honey                                                        MH


summer sunrise

father sips a cup of coffee                                           JS


warm layers

the first snow

bathed in moonlight                                                    MH


under one blanket 

rose oil on her skin                                                      JS


rising incense…

two lovers share

their secrets                                                                  MH


morning fog

the forest fills with birdsong                                       JS


call to prayer

my skirt fringes become one

with seagrass                                                                 MH


combing the old stray cat         

winter wind                                                                   JS 


faint whispers

the subway rattles

in the dark                                                                   JS


plucking a guitar string

the room fills with tension                                          MH


wedding day 

a butterfly flies between

the groom and the bride                                              JS


under the silk chuppah

candles glimmer in a breeze                                        MH


glimpsed behind

drifting storm clouds 

harvest moon                                                                JS


pumpkin patch

so many faces in the crowd                                         MH


orange streetlight 

a wrinkled leaf falls 

without a sound                                                            JS


melting into a shadow

the doe’s eyes                                                               MH


half-open window

an orb spider rebuilds

her web                                                                           MH


a dreamcatcher spins 

above his pillow                                                           JS


nascent breath

in Sakura blossoms…

the birth of a star                                                         MH


spring evening

the child scribbles her first poem                                JS 



Michelle Hyatt, Canada (MH)

Jacob D. Salzer, USA (JS)


April 22, 2021


Publication credit: Under the Bashō 2022 – Linked Forms, Sequences and Contrapuntal Poetry



After the Wedding (rengay)


fresh orange juice

sunrise spills

into the kitchen                                   (Mary) 


patio party chit-chat

clouds sail across my sangria              (j rap)


drops of moonlight                       

on the India Pale Ale

cool jazz                                              (Jacob)


fingers on piano keys

the sound of falling stars                     (Mary)



I bite into

the sparkling snow cone                     (j rap)          


a long pause between us   

aurora borealis                                    (Jacob)



Mary McCormack, Sheboygan, WI

j rap, Santa Fe, NM

Jacob Salzer, Vancouver, WA



Publication credit: Hedgerow | Vines #5, 2021


Reflection (rengay)



Jacob Salzer




this time in its mirrors

shards of summer


old city park . . .

a trail of broken beer bottles



a sea glass nugget 

warms my palm    


full moon 

a moth bumps into

the hospital window 


mother's reflection

in a garden gazing ball


his steady eye

behind the camera lens 

a beam of light 



Wales Haiku Journal


Reverse Migration (rengay)

the swallowtail

finally passes me



zoom meditation . . .

the silence between stars                


on opposite sides

of the gas cloud . . .

them and the cops

long shadows

against the border wall . . .



off the beaten path

no reception

reverse migration

a crack in the concrete


Jim Rodriguez 

Jacob Salzer

Publication credit: Frogpond, Vol. 43:3, Fall 2020

Unspoken Stories (tan renga sequence)

all that's left

of my dream journal

morning rain                             


pushing through the mud 

a single lotus                           




gaps in the conversation      

the homeless man's

missing teeth                               


unspoken stories...

hiding behind a forced smile    




teaching me

to be still...

deep forest                              


my chanting becomes

evening birdsong             


Jacob Salzer

Michelle Hyatt


Publication credit: Under the Basho, 2020


Inheritance (experimental rengay)


through the branches...

my mother's voice


catkins blowing in the breeze 

an orb spider weaves her web


grandma's blanket... 

I wrap myself 

in silence


in the ancient ways

you teach me to walk 



stairs spiraling into darkness… 

the roots of my family tree


buried bones 

deep inside the earth

a faint vibration


Jacob Salzer

Michelle Hyatt

Publication credit: Under the Basho, 2020


ripples from a drop of water (rengay)

the sound of a cough
disturbs the blossoms

ripples from a drop of water
the virus spreads

craving to be held
—a sparrow pecks
bread crumbs

old house...
the overgrowth of a plant
against the window

to talk to her pet dog
she removes her flu mask

social media—
the constant hum
of bees 

Réka Nyitrai, Romania
Jacob Salzer, USA

Publication Credit: Under the Basho, 2020



Great Grandma (solo linked-verse)

in silence
the old woman’s head
sinks to her chest

vacant eyes
words escape
great grandma

whispering: be careful
sound of a door closing

telling stories
she stops

theater of the absurd
she never liked politics

cracking jokes
great grandma laughs
one last time

lights out
the ceiling fan
keeps spinning

Publication Credit: Under the Basho, 2019


bottom of the 9th (solo linked-verse)

bottom of the 9th
drops of moonlight
on the pitcher's face

strangers huddled together
without names

a baseball player
waves at the moon

under bright lights
the constant hum of conversation

a hushed silence
after the pitcher throws
another strike

SMACK! the baseball disappears
into the crowd

sudden downpour
a thousand pairs of hands

Publication Credit: Under the Basho, 2019


Black Ice (solo linked-verse)

black ice
I drive over
the moon

vape smoke escapes
her pale white face

early morning
the prisoner’s breath lingers
above barbed-wire

tire chains left behind
on the narrow highway

Christmas shopping
she tries on
another necklace

gold light shimmers
across the water

breaking news
in the old t.v.
drifting clouds


trying to sleep
in the hospital lobby

smell of coffee
I take another bite
of a salad

strangers walking briskly
through the garden

deep into the night
sound of sirens

seagulls calling
above dim streetlamps


dementia . . .
waves washing away
footprints in the sand

migratory patterns
in the wings of a butterfly

my neighbor gives me
another cookie

new cracks form
in the marble steps

heavy rain
sunlight pierces through
broken thoughts

solving the last word
of a crossword puzzle

early morning . . .
I light another journal
on fire

headlines trickle down
a vacant driveway

Publication Credit: Under the Basho, 2018 


under the weathered bridge (rengay)


abandoned newspaper

the untold stories

of rain                                                  (JS)


writer's block

another glass of water                         (NK)


time and waves

have smoothed our edges

moonstone                                           (CB)


under the weathered bridge

a stream of trash                                  (JS)



the color of starfish

in shallows                                          (NK)


a matter of life in death

the dampness of leaves                       (CB)



Jacob Salzer—Vancouver, WA USA (JS)

Nicholas Klacsanzky—Edmonds, WA USA (NK)

Clayton Beach—Portland, OR USA (CB)


Publication Credit: Skylark 5:2, Winter 2017

 © 2025 by Jacob D. Salzer. Created with

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