Mare Liberum
Solo & Collaborative Poetry with Jacob D. Salzer
Solo Collections

A Lost Prophet: Haiku & Tanka (Brooks Books, 2024) is an award-winning High/Coo chapbook of 42 haiku & 8 tanka by Jacob D. Salzer. This collection encourages readers to be immersed in the beauty and mystery of Nature. This collection features poems published in the following journals, websites, and anthologies: Autumn Moon Haiku Journal, Fractured by Cattails: HSA Members' Anthology 2023, Frogpond, Haiku Canada Review, Haiku Commentary, Hedgerow, Heliosparrow Poetry Journal, I Sing the Salmon Home Anthology, Kingfisher, Modern Haiku, Ribbons, Take5 Journal, The Art of Tanka, Haiku Foundation Per Diem (Haiku of the Day), The Heron’s Nest, International Scriabin 150 Festival, Nov. 2022, Tanka Society of America Members’ Anthology 2023, and Under the Bashō.
A Lost Prophet is now available from Brooks Books for $12 + $5 shipping. To read free samples & testimonials, and to order, please visit:

Unplugged— (Lulu Press, 2022) is a collection of 43 haiku & 7 tanka by Jacob D. Salzer. This collection encourages readers to take a break from technology and be immersed in the Natural world. This collection features poems published in the following journals and websites: Chrysanthemum, First Frost, Frogpond, Haiku Commentary, Hedgerow, Heliosparrow, Is/Let, Kingfisher, Presence, Ribbons, The Haiku Foundation, The Heron’s Nest and The Living Haiku Anthology. $9.99 US
Now Available on Lulu, Amazon & Barnes and Noble
“Jacob Salzer’s tanka in Metal & Rain reveal the deep resonance between the inner landscape of the human heart-mind and the outer landscape of mountains & rivers, forest & sea—and their many denizens. Making skillful use of emotionally resonant images, Salzer’s tanka probe the past, ponder the future, and examine perennial themes of family, love & loss, the nature of the self, and our place in the world: “among deep valleys / there is no me.” These deeply thoughtful poems offer no easy answers but invite readers to explore “another mystery / I don’t want / to solve.”
—Jenny Ward Angyal, award-winning tanka poet and author of Earthbound: Tanka-prose & Haibun, Only the Dance: Tanka Threads and Moonlight on Water: Tanka
Origins is a collection of 27 haibun by Jacob D. Salzer. Haibun is a Japanese poetry form that combines prose with haiku (or sometimes, tanka, termed tanka stories.) The haiku or tanka link-and-shift with the prose, adding additional depth and resonance. This revised collection (2021) features haibun published in: jar of rain: The Red Moon Anthology of English-Language Haiku 2020, Modern Haiku, Chrysanthemum, Prune Juice, Contemporary Haibun Online, and with a preface by a Japan Times award-winning writer Alan Summers. Edited by Brendon Kent and Nicholas Klacsanzky. 50 pages. Available on Lulu & Amazon for $9.99 U.S. dollars
Mare Liberum is a collection of 48 haiku & tanka by Jacob Salzer inspired by water & the sea. 68 pages. Available on Amazon, Lulu, and Barnes & Noble. $15
Publication Credits: A Hundred Gourds, Atlas Poetica, Bones, Chrysanthemum, Failed Haiku, Frogpond, Haiku Commentary, Modern Haiku, Ribbons, Skylark, The Heron’s Nest, Under the Basho, The Sound of Rain (Lulu), How Many Become One (with Nicholas Klacsanzky) (CreateSpace), Birds With No Names (Lulu), Fog Between Mountains (CreateSpace), Distant Sirens (Lulu), A Steady Beam of Light (Bones – a journal for the short poem), Yanty’s Butterfly (Lulu), New Bridges (CreateSpace), Half A Rainbow (Lulu), The Living Haiku Anthology,
Awards & Honorable Mentions: Runner Up, the IAFOR Vladimir Devidé Haiku Award (2017), and Honorable Mention, the Mt. Fuji Tanka Grand Prix (2018)

Distant Sirens is a compilation of 40 tanka poems by Jacob Salzer. Expressing a wide range of emotions, these five-line poems are grounded in concrete imagery and have an inherent twist or turn in the narrative. Salzer encourages readers to write their own tanka to release trapped emotions and discover all that dwells beneath the surface. 64 pages. Available on Amazon, Lulu, and Barnes & Noble. $9
Publication Credits: Atlas Poetica, A Hundred Gourds, Ribbons, Skylark, Yanty's Butterfly (Lulu), and New Bridges (CreateSpace)
Fog Between Mountains is a collection of 42 one-line haiku (monoku) by Jacob Salzer, featuring haiku published in Under the Basho. 58 pages. Available on Amazon. Paperback: $3.87
Publication Credits: Under the Basho, Yanty’s Butterfly (Lulu), Origins: Haibun (Lulu), and How Many Become One (with Nicholas Klacsanzky) (CreateSpace)
The Last Days of Winter is a collection of poetry consisting of the poet's memories, reflections and observations. Salzer encourages the reader to look within in order to find peace and silence, even in the midst of a busy, turbulent world. $9.99 (Paperback). $7.99 (Kindle). Available on Lulu, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble.
Birds With No Names is a collection of 51 haiku and 1 essay by Jacob Salzer. Salzer's haiku encourages the reader to quiet the mind and be mindful of the present moment. 36 pages. Available on Lulu, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble. Paperback: $7.99
The Sound of Rain is a collection of 54 haiku and 2 essays by Jacob Salzer. Salzer's haiku encourages the reader to quiet the mind and be mindful of the present moment. 36 pages. Available on Lulu, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble. Paperback: $7.99 Kindle: $6.99